Sunday, December 4, 2016

Embracing My New Normal!

Hey everybody! It feels like it’s been forever since my last blog. But just know I’ve been thinking about y’all, really! So, what’s been going on with me? In the last few months I’ve been busting my chops preparing for my “new normal.” God has been on an incredible move in my life and let me let yall in on something…it scares me silly! Can I be real with y’all? Christians get scared! If there was ever a time a Christian tells you there is no such thing as fear in being a Christian or blasts you out because you voice your fears, kindly turn shut the conversation down and walk away. Because that’s not the truth! The truth is this…fear is real and felt among most! I know what the bible says concerning fear, but I’m being realistically, humanly me!

Now in saying that, know there is a HUGE difference between feeling and experiencing fear and being captured prisoner by fear. God is with us through every emotion we feel, including fear. He knows that we are humans with human emotions. That’s why He made it a point to really focus on the elements of fear through the Old and New testaments. 

One key references that comes my mind is my biblical mentor, Gideon. From the onset of God approaching him, Gideon feared. The way he spoke, his thoughts, everything about him reeked of fear. But God in His unconditional love and mercy, guided Gideon through his development of faith and showed him who God made him to be, which ultimately lead to one of the greatest victories in the Old Testament. You can read the story here.

So, I am taking one step at a time into this new dimension God has prepared for me. I refuse to allow fear, my emotions, sideline commentators, naysayers, toxic opinions/thoughts/people stand in my way of what God has prepared for me long ago (Ephesians 2:10).

Okay, before I go I’m sure y’all are wondering so what’s new that’s coming up that has you all shaking in your boots? Well, glad you asked!! In TWO weeks, I’ll be launching my website for my organization “Authentically Me” …I’m almost ready for first round edits for my new book, and preparing for some AMAZING workshops next year!! 

Of course, there’s more, but you have to stay tuned, subscribe, follow, or do whatever is necessary to keep up! I’ll be transitioning from Blogger to my new website throughout this month. By the end of this month, I’ll hopefully be fully over to the new site.

Don’t worry…I’ll post a copy to the link! Y’all who follow me faithfully, just know that means so much!!! You ladies and men (if you follow) ROCK!!! Okay time to get ready for church!! SMOOCHES!!!

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