Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Aim for Her Life

**Important Note** To those who read this who have sons, please understand I wish not to exclude sons from this topic. Their upbringing by both parents is equally of value. However, my charge from God is to women and daughters. It is not my intention or desire to present information I have no knowledge of since I am the mother of only girls. Any information that goes forth in my blogs are from personal experience and guidance from God. I hope this is clearly understood and no negative feelings are taken from the mention of only daughters and mothers. Blessings!  J

So, I’m a huge Hunger Games fan.  Am I the only one? I’m sure I’m not! I’ve watched all but the last movie. From the time I watched the first movie, I was hooked.  My favorite character of course, is Katniss Everdeen.  Not only are her skills amazing, but her will to live and sacrifice for others are admirable. She becomes a skilled bow & arrow shooter who is selected (well forced) to participate in representing her people of District 12 in a violent game of survival. With every draw of her bow, the weight of her people rests on her shoulders. The weight of potential victory so her district can receive vital necessities such as food and fresh water. The future of her people depends on her. Sounds familiar? Maybe not. Allow me to explain.
Okay mothers, this is where I need your imaginations activated. Now, go with me here…so imagine the weight Katniss has on her shoulders for her generation.  Now imagine our families…our daughters specifically.  The weight we’re given by God to carry to ensure our daughters grow up to be the women He designed them to be.  Now we don’t have tangible arrows to shoot.  But we have our engagement.  Our guidance. Our thoughts. Our words. Our actions. We have those unseen arrows that can do just as much damage as the real ones. Just as Katniss had a humble heart, she understood the implications of withholding from shooting an arrow. She understood that she wasn’t in that game just for herself, but for her District.  For people who relied on her drive, determination, and courage to get through.
Hebrews 12:11 (NLT) No discipline is enjoyable while it’s happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained this way.
Sometimes the arrows we shoot, correction, chastising, discipline, don’t feel good. But it’s in understanding that we aren’t just raising these girls, that makes the difference. We are raising the future. We are raising them to continue on where we leave off. I’ll be the first to say when I have to correct my fifteen year old daughter, not all the time does it feel good. I even question myself sometimes. But even in doing that, I must understand that if I don’t throw that arrow of correction or that arrow of discipline, she will grow up a wild weed being blown and tossed by the wind. She will grow up validating who she is in relationships, habits, addictions, status, etc.
Ephesians 2:10 (New Living Translation) For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.
Not every arrow shot did Katniss hit her target and I know not every arrow we shoot will hit their intended target either, but it’s in not quitting or giving up that makes the difference. It’s in our daughters seeing our determination to continue forward that sends an unspoken message to them. Mothers, we are given the charge to ensure our daughters grow up knowing they are princesses in the eyes of God. We are given the charge to safeguard the innocence of our daughters in the manner of appearance, relationships, integrity, worth, etc. If we choose to neglect those charges, then we leave it up to the world to shoot arrows into their lives.
So mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, or any woman of influence…get those bows in hand, charge that arrow, breathe, and shoot! Blessings!!

What’s some of the painful lessons (arrows) you’ve had to shoot in your daughter’s life that she later appreciated?

Friday, January 22, 2016

Putting Things Into Perspective

So a few days ago, my phone completely died on me.  Out of the blue, a brand new phone died…Surprisingly, I didn’t overreact like I did when my phone before this one died.  As a matter of fact, I only prayed one prayer, that my phone would come on for just one moment to speak with my husband about an important matter…and it did!
But of course, in many of the small things that happen in our lives comes great lessons to learn from or thoughts to ponder on.  Mine showed up as a thought to ponder…a couple of thoughts actually. 
I recently started back college.  I am hoping after retry #600 that this will be it and I will be walking the stage, degree in hand (please Lord!) I also have new projects and ventures under way, my husband has launched a great program, our daughter is knee deep in the teenage years and our baby girl is flying through her toddler years.  So yeah, you can say I am juggling a lot.  And like many of you have probably said hundreds of times, there just DOES NOT seem to be enough hours in the day to get things done! I mean, geesh, I blink once and it’s at the top of the hour.  Blink again, it’s at the top of another! Am I the only one to witness this phenomenon?! 
 As I sat looking at my phone go in and out of life and death, a soft thought came my mind.  What if this was supposed to happen this way? My phone dying that is.  Because, although I’d rather not admit it, I’m addicted to my phone.  I can easily get lost in the pinning ocean of Pinterest! Darn you creators of Pinterest!!  And while I’m whizzing through pins, time is ticking and tocking away. It was a humbling but hard truth to realize that I didn’t value my time as I ought.
The bible says things such as “make the most of every opportunity” (Ephesians 5:16), “teach us to number our days” (Psalm 90:12).  Further scriptures instruct us to learn and understand what God wants and how He wants us to spend our time.  Our time is valuable…I would dare to say invaluable because we can’t get it back once it’s gone!
So, as my phone made its last flicker, I remembered one of my core values which is time management. I value my time spent on things that will better me, my family, the people God places in my life, and the Kingdom of God.  The fight was over.  Some rearranging, prioritizing, delegating and dedicating had to be done to my time.  After all, I’m holding myself accountable to what I chose as a core value!
I pray from my lessons you are blessed and even have reflective moments that leads you to rearrange some things to better dedicate, dream, and do! Blessings!

*Photo credit: @rekitanicoledesigns 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Hello! Now Let's Change!

First off, WELCOME TO 2016!!! I know we are a “few” days into the new year, but I haven’t gotten the chance to welcome everybody.  Gosh, it feels like forever ago since I’ve been here.  And please, my apologies for being MIA.  I’ve actually been in the stewing pot reviewing, revamping, and creating some new things.  I am SO thankful to God for choosing to allow me to see another year in both my birthday (mid December) and the new year!
Sooo much has taken place and though some of that much was bittersweet, I’ve come to understand it was necessary. A lot hit my family and I right at the smack end of the year.  But again, it was necessary.  Had some of those events not happened, I don’t think I’d be on the track I’m on now.  God has a plan, has always had a plan, and will carry it out for good in mine and your life (Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 8:28). So I chose and choose to trust Him. I hope you do too! J
So...all of that processing led to me thinking…thinking of course about change.  This is what I got.
In order for change to take place, we must be willing to change.
I remember growing up, I was terribly shy. I hated making eye contact or doing anything that would draw unwanted attention.  Having that trait coupled with fear didn’t make things better.  I kind of outgrew one of them (shyness) but the other, I enabled for so long until it crippled me.  It wasn’t until recently, and I mean as recent as the last year or so, that I decided to divorce fear.  I had had enough and I wanted out.  I wanted to change.  Needed to change.  And so I started the process. 
See, I think one of the biggest issues with change is this…we become so comfortable where we are, even when we know where we are isn’t good for us.  We get trapped in our own vices.  Sabotage our own freedom.  But the truth is and remains that if we don’t make the deliberate, intentional decision to change and be set free, we will always be that caged bird on the inside, looking out. We have to decide that being uncomfortable and moving forward in God’s assigned destiny is better than being complacent and miserable. We have to be willing to take God by His word and follow Him as He leads us (Proverbs 3:5,6).  I know sometimes the way looks foggy or downright unrecognizable, but as we learn to see with faith and not our own understanding, change becomes a bit easier to enter into (2 Corinthians 5:7).
So what steps have you started to take to make sure your change isn’t sabotaged? 
I pray y’alls new year has been off to a great start. Blessings!! J