everybody! It feels like it’s been forever since my last blog. But just know I’ve
been thinking about y’all, really! So, what’s been going on with me? In the
last few months I’ve been busting my chops preparing for my “new normal.” God
has been on an incredible move in my life and let me let yall in on something…it
scares me silly! Can I be real with y’all? Christians get scared! If there was
ever a time a Christian tells you there is no such thing as fear in being a
Christian or blasts you out because you voice your fears, kindly turn shut the
conversation down and walk away. Because that’s not the truth! The truth is
this…fear is real and felt among most! I know what the bible says concerning
fear, but I’m being realistically, humanly me!
Now in
saying that, know there is a HUGE difference between feeling and experiencing
fear and being captured prisoner by fear. God is with us through every emotion
we feel, including fear. He knows that we are humans with human emotions. That’s
why He made it a point to really focus on the elements of fear through the Old
and New testaments.
One key references that comes my mind is my biblical
mentor, Gideon. From the onset of God approaching him, Gideon feared. The way
he spoke, his thoughts, everything about him reeked of fear. But God in His
unconditional love and mercy, guided Gideon through his development of faith
and showed him who God made him to be, which ultimately lead to one of the
greatest victories in the Old Testament. You can read the story here.
So, I am taking one step at a time into this
new dimension God has prepared for me. I refuse to allow fear, my emotions,
sideline commentators, naysayers, toxic opinions/thoughts/people stand in my
way of what God has prepared for me long ago (Ephesians 2:10).
before I go I’m sure y’all are wondering so what’s new that’s coming up that
has you all shaking in your boots? Well, glad you asked!! In TWO weeks, I’ll be
launching my website for my organization “Authentically Me” …I’m almost ready for first round
edits for my new book, and preparing for some AMAZING workshops next year!!
course, there’s more, but you have to stay tuned, subscribe, follow, or do
whatever is necessary to keep up! I’ll be transitioning from Blogger to my new
website throughout this month. By the end of this month, I’ll hopefully be
fully over to the new site.
worry…I’ll post a copy to the link! Y’all who follow me faithfully, just know
that means so much!!! You ladies and men (if you follow) ROCK!!! Okay time to
get ready for church!! SMOOCHES!!!
Oh my goodness yall, so this
blog is a combination of things…embarrassing, truthful, and enlightening. So,
here goes.
In many of my blogs, I share how
I grew up. I was very shy and withdrawn. A bit awkward and socially
handicapped. I loved spending time with myself rather than engaging in
conversations with others, although on the inside I yearned for friendships and
interaction. I slowly broke out of that shell as I grew older. Eventually, the
military helped shatter most those setbacks. But there were a few culprits that
chose to hang around and do some major damage in my life. Their names?
Insecurity and self-esteem. But I learned to hide them well. However, our actions
always tend to make liars out of the words we speak. Keep marinating
on that, you’ll catch it.
I encountered other women who
were confident and secure in their own rite. And every time I got around these
women I cringed on the outside, rolling my eyes, trying to one up them, or just
make them look bad. But on the inside, I struggled immensely. Questioned myself
as to why I couldn’t be as bold and confident as they were. Of course, I couldn’t
show this inner turmoil. Yet again, our actions always have a tendency of
making us into liars. And mine sure did!
There was one woman in
particular, who I nearly despised. I couldn’t stand to hear her name let alone
be in her presence. She had a bravado type vibe about her. Everything someone
did, she could do better. Every accomplishment someone earned, she could top
that. Everything was about competition. Everything was about notoriety. And
that burned me up! Sounds like I was hating, right? Well I was. Truth be told,
that’s all hating is…a big dose of insecurity and self-esteem issues rolled up
into negative comments and sideline commentating about someone else’s life.
Time went on and I grew more
negative towards her. I learned to put on my “hey girl” face (also known as two-faced) and suck my teeth when she
walked away. But this whole entire time, God was trying to show me something,
well a few things, about myself. And it took up to THIS point to see what those
things were. (and this point, I mean years later).
Sometimes who we think are
rivals are just instruments to bring out our truth. The truth was, I was
insecure. This woman was pretty, intelligent, and very confident. Whether she
wrestled with her own insecurities, I don’t know, pretty sure, but don’t know…but
God used her to show me how insecure I was in myself. I considered myself to be
pretty and intelligent and had the potential to be confident but I couldn’t see
that. From years of being hurt and validating someone else’s lies as truth in
my own life, what I saw about myself became distorted. Sure, I fronted well. I
knew how to act the part of a confident, independent woman. But I was far from
knowing what that entailed for me.
Here’s the thing ladies.
Sometimes rivals are necessary. True they can be frustrating and the situation
can be uncomfortable, but oftentimes rivals are key instruments for our growth.
If we allow, we can use these experiences as refining moments. In Lisa Bevere’s
book, “Without Rival” she says “Outward pressure works inward transformation.
Rivals reveal the destiny that God has prepared for us.” (Bevere, 2016).
If we want to grow into the
women God has created us to be and do “the creative best you can with your own
life” (Galatians 6:5, MSG) then we must be willing to become students of life
and learn well. Only then will we find fulfillment in our lives. We will be
able to gift another woman with being her authentic self through conflict and
rivalry. Blessings ladies!
Bevere, Lisa. (2016). Without
Rival. Grand Rapids, MI: Revell
Goods, check! Identity,
got it! Self-worth, in the bag! Character, bet! He has accomplished another
feat on his checklist, fulfilling himself, destroying your dignity, and moving
on to the next. See, he was looking for you and you fit the bill perfectly. You
were his homework, midterm, and final. His notes on you were meticulous, though
at times, it wasn’t hard to see what you were about. Like looking up into the
night sky to gaze at the stars, he discovered you. You walked with the
superficial display of “strong woman” …but you turned at every eye that caught
yours (craves attention). Your fresh knits clothed the inward beat downs you
gave yourself time and time again (low self-esteem). Shoe game was nothing but
the best. Hair was always laid by the best, you drove the best, you put your
best foot forward…in your world, nothing
but the best, right? And yet you gave yourself away like a discounted item on
the shelf waiting to be picked up. He caught you up with the slickest, most
perfect lines…you know the ones…those that caused you to melt like butter oozing
down a hot surface. He caught you up in his web because he knew he could.
Laughing on the inside, on the outside he showered you with constant
gratification. Before you ever realized what happened to you, you were sold…to
the lowest bidder. After playtime was over with you, he left you by the wayside
picking up the pieces to your broken life. You were left inwardly bruised,
tattered, and shattered. You moved on wondering how you ever ended up in a
situation like that…well, honey, it’s not like you made it hard for him to get
I wrote
this in my journal some years ago. I was highly disgusted with my actions. But
what was funny though, was even then, I could see that something was wrong.
Yet, it took many more years to finally come to my senses. Ladies, please hear
me out. It doesn’t matter how you portray yourself, the truth of your actions
will ALWAYS tell on you. Your/our/my actions have a tendency of revealing the
real us. Kind of like that junk drawer we all have. If that drawer keeps
getting stuffed with junk, little by little, it’ll start bulge until it can’t
close anymore. Then the contents are exposed.
There is no
amount of make-up, vernacular, clothing, or anything external that will cover
up the turmoil internally. If you never learn who you are, you will continue to
get used up, abused, and broken. Try God at His word. He says we are His
masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10). He said He is close to the brokenhearted and
rescues those whose spirits are crushed (Psalm 34:18). He is a restorer (2
Corinthians 5:17). The beautiful thing about God is when we bring our broken,
messy selves to Him, He will renew us and make us complete in Him (Colossians
2:10). We won’t need validation from men, sex, relationships, status, or any of
that stuff.
What have
you sacrificed in exchange for attention, love, respect, etc.? Well, it’s time
to reclaim all of that sister…because your value is priceless! Blessings!
The responses I received
were kind of what I expected, although some were made solely out of assumptions.
But that’s okay. I’m coming to a place in my life where I don’t see a need to
justify, argue with, or defend myself for MY truth.
With that being said, in
my last blog I mentioned that I would discuss how I was able to allow God and
counselors in on my healing process. It wasn’t easy. There were times when I
wanted to retreat back to what I knew. What seemed easy and less judgmental.
But somehow, I knew in my heart what I was doing was wrong. Just like that
smoker who knows all well the consequences of smoking, but she just has to have
it. That’s how I was. I felt the need to quiet the screams of my flesh by
enabling it with lustful desires.
But the beautiful thing
in all of this is that God doesn’t leave us to wallow in our mess. He always
provides a way out. I’ll say that again, because it’s the truth. He ALWAYS
provides a way for us to get out of our sin. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says “The temptations in your life are no different
from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the
temptation to be more than you can stand. When
you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure.” I
can raise my hands at the numerous times I’ve gotten myself into situations and
I saw a “door of opportunity” to walk right out of but instead I chose to stay.
Got burned every single time.
As I moved through the
healing/restoration process with God and counselors, I began to understand more
and more who I was. Now of course, healing didn’t come easy either. It took
years for me to get to a place where I could say that I was totally healed and
And oh, how wonderful God
is…to speak to us through our love languages…the way He created us to express
and receive love…I don’t know if He does that for you, maybe it’s just me. One
of my love languages is words of
affirmation…and that’s how He speaks to me many times. But as He took me
through this journey, He showed me something in His word. Something that I
actually came across again today. He took me to 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. I almost
leapt from my sofa when I read it! It says, “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy
Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself,
for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.”
Picture that beautiful
pair of shoes you buy a loved one. It cost a pretty penny for those shoes and
you want that loved one to have them, love them, and appreciate them. So, what
happens when you see that loved one stomping in the mud with those very shoes
on that you spent that pretty penny on? I’m quite sure you won’t be smiling and
it won’t be roses and daisies. There will be some words exchanged and a check
in the back of your mind that says “humph see if I EVER buy him/her ANYTHING
else!” That’s how most of us would be…or
is that just me…let me just raise my hand right on up, because I know it’s me.
See how belligerent we can get over something materialistic? Something
temporal? Well imagine how God feels every time we misuse and abuse ourselves,
our bodies, our existence which was bought not with money but with pure,
innocent blood? That realization you may be coming to from reading this is how
I felt. I was straight up disrespecting Jesus Christ by treating my body like
Ladies listen, I could go
on and on with this for it is a topic near and dear to me. But please
understand this, we are worth more than the price we place on ourselves. We
must learn to get to a place where we recognize that and begin to live in that
knowledge. Not in all cases, but in some, we get what we put out. When we give
out mixed signals or signs of low self-esteem, no worth, no values, and
standards, that’s the treatment we will receive. Choose today to rise above
that and live in the knowledge of knowing that your life means so much that it
was bought…at all costs, the
highest cost. Be blessed sisters!
honestly been wrestling with this topic. I’ve gone back and forth for a few
months now. But a recent conversation I had with one of my girlfriends pretty
much made it apparent that this topic needed to be discussed.
before I dive in, let me give a brief explanation, background, definition of
what the title of my blog means for those who may not know. A side chick is not
the main female in a relationship, but rather, she has chosen to take up
residence on the outside of a relationship. She, in her decisions, has chosen
to settle as second best, readily available goodies, a side piece. She has
lowered her standards at all costs for the justification of the thrill, attention,
love and affection, or whatever her motivation. She is also what is sometimes
referred to as a “homewrecker.”
Hebrews 13:4 (NLT) Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful
to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and
those who commit adultery.
do I know this? Because “she” was once me. I was the one settling as second
best. I was the side chick in my own relationships as well as in other
relationships. It was the thrill, at first, that kept me doing what I did. I
knew how to get in good enough to have my way with the gentleman of the “hour.”
I thought I was slick because no one knew what I was doing. My facade game was
pretty impressive. My best foot was always forward and I made sure to cover
every step. Even having encountered a few close calls, that didn’t stop me.
and over I chose to violate other relationships, even as my own was being
violated by outsiders. This repetitious cycle was perpetuated by my malicious
behavior. But why? Why was the question. Why
was the question I even asked myself many times. I felt ashamed, disgusting,
and good for nothing. But along with those feelings, I also felt that what I
was doing could be justified. And as long as I had a justification, I kept at
it. But after a while, I became too comfortable in my sin…so comfortable until
I became numb. However, in my comfort, what I thought I had total control over,
I realized in that moment I had lost all grips of control and things went south
one single incident, I triggered a deep depression within myself. I almost lost everything at
the expense of my foolishness and flesh. By this time, I had enrolled myself
into a mental facility because I could no longer take the fact that I was no
longer in control and my hand had been exposed. My time was up and somebody was
calling my bluff. And aside from that, it was very obvious that I needed help!
after having gone to counseling and therapy, I realized there was something
deeper inside me that was wrong. It just wasn’t right. Why had I made myself
okay with indulging my lustful desires with someone who didn’t belong to me?
Why had it become so easy for me to do that? Where did all of this come from? These
were a few of many questions I asked myself. I became physically sick on
several occasions as a result of my mess. And it was in this moment of my life
that I realized that this was beyond human assistance. I needed God’s
intervention. Because what I was doing, I wasn’t going to be able to stop on my
own. It literally took God to break me down to nothing in order to tear away
all of the facades, masks, pretense, and layers of filth I had cocooned myself
in. I thought I was going to lose it when I was faced with all of the pain I
had caused.But
grace was and is truly sufficient (2 Corinthians
“He found me in my
mess…” ---Uncle Reese (Christian Recording Artist)
the rededication of my life to Christ, counseling, transparency, vulnerability,
accountability, and integrity I was delivered. I was healed, restored, and made
whole into the woman God created me to be. Why did I choose to share this?
Certainly not because I want the whole world reading and knowing my business.
But because I know there are so many women out there who place themselves in
positions to be used up to nothing by men.
can’t necessarily fault the men when we say “why won’t men treat me right?” or “I’m
never going to find the right one” or whatever the case. However, we MUST understand
that WE
hold the keys! Yes, ladies, I’ll say that again, WE hold the keys! When we
give men the keys, you best believe he’s going to crank the car up and drive it
honey! Even in a committed relationship, some,
not all, men will NOT
pass up a piece of cookie.
the most part, we get what we put out. We set the standards to how we get
treated by men. When we don’t understand who we are and whose we are, we make
ourselves susceptible to any type of treatment. We may think it’s okay at first
to be that side chick because it’s fun, the thrill is exciting, we think we bad
and got it like that…but after a while all that stuff weighs on you. It’s not
worth it sis! It’s just not worth it. Get your own man. If you can’t get one
right now, then spend time with God. Allow Him to fill the void and heal the
tattered pieces of your soul.
I was going through counseling and seeking God, I discovered I was hurting.
Even though I projected an independent woman persona, I was weak and broken. I had
several unresolved issues from my childhood and a lot of narratives I had taken
on from other people and even myself. Now please hear me, I’m not BLAMING
my childhood or anyone for my actions because at the end of the day the
decisions were all mine. However, in learning these things helped me to open
myself up more to God and counselors in these areas. And how did I do that?
Well I think that will have to be saved for another blog post.
truly hope you who may be reading this got something out of it. We may see
songs or posts on social media about men having their side pieces and the woman
or women sitting there smiling and profiling like she’s the best. But please
understand that being the side piece is not cute nor does it demonstrate that
she has a good sense of her worth and value.
are God’s daughters. There were no mistakes when He created us. We each hold
inside of us the intricate beauty of our Father and the purpose of our
existence. When we make that discovery, our desires should be to safeguard it
with everything we got. To stand our ground in purity of our OWN relationship
or while we’re waiting.
want to encourage you sisters with this scripture that reassures me every
single time I start to doubt or have trouble believing…
1 Timothy 1:15-17 (NLT) This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—and I am the worst of them all. But God had mercy on me so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of His great patience with even the worst sinners. Then others will realize that they, too, can believe in Him and receive eternal life. All honor and glory to God forever and ever! He is the eternal King, the unseen One who never dies; He alone is God. Amen.”
Remember the game hide & seek? I sure do! Loved
it! A bunch of us kids would gather around and determine who was going to be “it.”
The person who was it had to count while everybody else hid. Once the person
finished counting and ran around and found someone, that person would now
become it. Get the concept? Or what about playing “pretend.” I used to love
playing that game with my sister. We’d gather up all of our dolls, well the
still functioning, put together ones, and we’d pretend. We would pretend we
were princesses, moms, teachers, whatever we wanted to be. Through those dolls,
we acted out or little imaginations.
So fast forward to today. Ladies, what’s going on?
We’re all grown up now. Why are we still playing hide & seek, but instead
of seeking out anybody, we’re just plain ol’ hiding. Hiding behind the make-up.
Hiding behind money, food, sex, relationship, and even church. We have failed
at the concept of hide & seek and mastered the art of “fakery.” And what
about the pretending? We’ve gone from our dolls acting out our dreams and
imaginations to us living in a made up world, or somebody else’s altogether. We
pretend we got our stuff together. We pretend that we are well-put together,
better than the next one, and so on and so on. We do this by trying to always
stay one step ahead of the game by always putting our best foot forward. In our
blurred and misconstrued views of what it means to live authentically, we’ve
lost touch with who we really are…by living as hypocrites.
The origin of the word hypocrite comes from the
Greek word “hypokrites.” It meant actor or stage player. This person played
the roles of multiple characters. As
time went on, hypocrite became associated with anyone who said one thing and
did/lived another. But here’s what happens when we become the hypocrite. Well
for one, we can’t be trusted and neither can our words and actions. And we hurt
ourselves. We do more of a disservice to ourselves when we choose to hide
behind pain, sin, church, relationships, unhealthy habits/addictions, etc.
Sisters, come close as I tell you and me this. This
life was crafted out for one only…YOU and ME. Though it’s nothing wrong with
taking tips and advice from others, it becomes a problem when we start to live
out and act out another person’s life. In Holley Gerth’s book, “You’re Already Amazing”
she says “God creates each of us to be uniquely who
we are---just like each part of the body is unique. We don’t need more than one
of a given body part. Nor would we want more than one.” She also says, “You’re
not only amazing. You’re enough. You’re beautiful. You’re wanted. You’re
chosen. You’re called. You’ve got what it takes…not just to survive but to
change the world.”
Did you
catch that girlfriend? We are not prototypes. We weren’t made to be copied. We
are unique. We are one of a kind. We are God’s masterpiece, created by His very
own hands to go out into the world and change it. So let’s do that. Put aside
the childish games and the hypocrite’s role and let’s live beautifully like the
women we were created to be! Blessings!
{This graphic I made just for YOU because you're #BeYOUtiful}
1 Corinthians
13:11 (NLT) When I was a child, I spoke and though and reasoned as a child. But
when I grew up, I put away childish things.
2:10 (NLT) For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ
Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.
1. to cause (someone) to stop thinking about or paying attention to someone or
something and to think about or pay attention to someone or something else
instead. 2. To take (attention) away from someone or something.
I am almost positive that my attention span is along
the length of a five-year old’s. I can be set and focused on something and bam,
just like that, I’m looking at something else or fiddling with something else! And when it comes to my phone..see how my thumb is set up, it has a mind of its
own y’all. It really does. I’ll wake up first thing in the morning, take a few
minutes to get my mind right, and get ready to get out of my bed to go have my
quiet time with God. But if I forgot to turn off ALL social media apps the
night before and I see those little red notifications just waiting to be
opened, my thumb starts doing its own thing. The distraction is not my fault.
Okay, maybe it is to a degree. Okay, okay, it is my fault.
But of course when I thought about how easily it is
for me to become distracted, I also had this thought, distractions serve one
COURSE! When we choose to take our focus off of what we’re doing or how we’re
living and peak into the lives of others, we make room for couple of things to
take place. I’m sure there’s more, but I’ll focus on two for now.
1. Discouragement~ We look at that chick
that has the body from the gods and the hair and face to match. Then we look
down at our reality…that little pooch that gently rounds our waists. Our hair
that is overdue for a professional touch. And those ever so stubborn breakouts
on our face. Almost instantly, the thoughts come in, “Dang, I wish I could look
like that!” Or “If I could only get rid of _______ (fill in the blank) I’ll be
good.” Or “Must be nice to have kids and still look like that!” And the
thoughts keep flooding in.
2. Disappointment~ We look at social media
at the accomplishments of others and then think over our lives and wonder why
we aren’t as far as that person or as far as we should be.
1:1(NKJV) says, “Blessed is the man who walks not
in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sits in the
seat of the scornful.” I’m not saying all of who we see are sinful,
ungodly, or scornful. But what I am saying is that when we take our eyes off of
our own path and set them onto someone else’s, we open the door to
disappointment and discouragement.
#AuthenticMoment: When there’s no discipline and focus, distractions grow in strength and
The second & third verses of that same chapter
(Psalm 1:2) says, “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates
day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that
brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and
whatever he does shall prosper.”
I understand from time to time our attention will get
diverted to something or someone else. However, we have to be intentional not
to allow those distractions dictate how we carry on in our own lives. God
created every woman unique in her own way and right. We are gifted in so many
things and areas. But when we open the door to distraction, we shut out and
dull our potential. So girlfriend, turn off the apps, quit sulking over the
extra “love” around your waist, slap on a weave, extensions, or what suits you,
and keep moving in the uniqueness of your destiny.
Last week, I sat in the
tub soaking in a good dose of Epsom Salt. If my muscles could talk, mine would
scream out “Thank you Thank you Thank you!” (cheers to Epsom Salt and my
personal trainer). But as I soaked and massaged my aching muscles, I kind of
skimmed over my body. Then I really began to examine my body. The contours and
scars. The spider veins making their appearance (and apparently their home) on
my thighs. The stretched skin and light brown stretch marks to match. I began
massaging my wide feet to ease the burn from my workout. As I rubbed my aching
muscles, I started to reflect back to how much I used to hate my body. Parts of
my body, I hated from childhood but as I got older and started having children,
I found more things to hate about my evolving body. I didn’t like the way it
was changing its shape and elasticity. And of course, it didn’t help that every time
I turned around, the media or magazines always showcased their most statuesque,
seemingly perfect bodies.
Image Source: Instagram User: Loveyourlines
Ladies, I know many of
you reading this, as a matter of fact, AS you’re reading this, can ramble
off in one breath the number of things you don’t like about your body. But here’s
the reality, one that took me a long time to realize (and is still taking some
time) …we all come in various sizes, shapes, colors, and features. From before
the time we are created in our mother’s wombs, God has already etched every
characteristic onto our DNA. Whether that be stretch marks, large birth marks,
balding hair, acne, or whatever the case…it was all there from before the
beginning of our existence! Psalm
139:13 says “You
created every part of me; You put me together in my mother’s womb.”Everything
that we were meant to be and how we were meant to look and the features that
were meant to come through, were all done before being formed in our mother’s
Now trust me, I truly
understand the sometimes desperate need to rid ourselves of some of these unappealing
things. I mean, I can list off a whole lot of things I’d like to get rid of RIGHT NOW…I digress…But here’s the
thing sisters…Half of what we see displayed in front of us in the media or on
magazines is not real. Let me say that again, in all caps…IT’S NOT REAL! Okay, let me dismiss the ones who say I’m hating
because I’m not. But let’s keep it 100%...there
are some women who were blessed by God with incredible genes and barely need
any alterations to their image and I applaud you (well, while giving just a
little bit of side eye). But then there are the REAL bodies. You know, the ones that bear evidence of some wars.
Bellies that bear witness that lives were carried. Bodies that display the
faint and sometimes not so faint trails of stretch marks, that sometimes vary
from tiger claws to spider webs. That extra “love” right under the bra strap
that tells on us that we shouldn’t have eaten that extra cupcake. Or the
checkered skin that looks like artwork but is the result of vitiligo.
I can go on and on. But
ladies, sisters, please hear me out. Every single one of us can point out
several “imperfections” as we call them. However, when we learn that we were
created this way on purpose or that the way we look serves a purpose, we learn
to embrace our scars, marks, and everything else. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in
Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”We were intentionally created in
certain ways for certain purposes. When we look outside of that truth and start
measuring ourselves with other women, not only do we make ourselves even more
miserable, but we begin to discredit God for His mighty works.
Now, please, hear me
out…I’m not saying that I have it altogether. Because as I mentioned earlier in
my blog, there are still things that I wrestle with. My “love” around my waist
can stand some trimming. However, I am learning with every moment God gives me,
to love all of my “love” and to embrace every imperfect part of me and to
realize I am enough…MORE THAN ENOUGH.
And in knowing this, this is a part of what gives me confidence and what makes me attractive…oh
and I have an amazing husband who loves ALL
of me!
Sisters, none of us will ever be 100% satisfied with the way we look. But I want to
encourage you and even challenge you to look at yourselves differently. Whether
you catch a glimpse of yourself walking past your mirror or you’re in the tub
or shower, look at those things that are deemed “ugly” or “imperfect” by yours
or society’s standards and say “I love you, every part of you. Every part serves a purpose and I’m going to embrace that!”Girlfriend, say it because you are
worth it. You are #BeYOUtiful! Own it and be #Unapologetic about it! Blessings
#AuthenticMoment...growing up, I thought I was weird. Aside from the nasty names I was called and the abuse I suffered from, I thought I was different. I realized I wasn't like the other kids around me. I thought differently. My happiness wasn't found in typical things. One of my "happy places" was high up in a dogwood tree daydreaming for hours. Or at the dining room table drawing or writing for hours. I got lost in those worlds.
💫As I grew up, I tried to mask those quirky things about me and follow the status quo. I got money. I got men and attention from men. I got attention, period. I got nice things. But I still wasn't happy. It wasn't until I started tapping back into those forgotten places deep within me that I started to become happy again. The joy bubbled over...not just because I had found my "sweet spot" again, but because I acknowledged the One who gifted me with those sweet spots...God.
💫So now, I write or sometimes draw. I don't climb trees anymore but I find that quiet place of solitude and allow my God given gift of imagination and creativity to run wild.
💫Sisters, each of us are incredibly unique. We all have our own sweet spots to which we draw our happiness from. Allow God to help you retrace those steps back to the hidden places and bask in your God given gifts of happiness. Because you/we are #BeYOUtiful #AuthenticallyMe #Authenticallyspoken and should be #Unapologetic about every bit of it. Blessings today!!😘😍❤
couple of nights ago, some girlfriends and I enjoyed a delicious home cooked
meal and some long overdue chatter. We talked about everything, conversations
intertwining, absolutely no conversation etiquette whatsoever. We cut each
other off, everybody eager to get their two cents in. I’m sure you have those
girlfriends that when you get together, you let your hair down and just be you.
In those moments, you’re not concerned with how well kept you are. You’re not
trying to outshine the other. You’re just there in the moment, soaking it all
up. That’s just what we did. We laughed and laughed harder. We slapped each
other high fives. We gasped. We went back and forth. A bunch of “ooh girrrrrlllll” remarks (you know, the
reaction when something juicy is said). Every so often, one of my
friends would talk and someone else would holler out, “girl, me too!”
those two words, we all connected. There was a common ground that brought us
closer together, allowing us to either fully receive or release something. It’s
in those words “me
too” where we give others the opportunity to free ourselves. “Me too”
can act like a releasing agent. It can be the catalyst towards restoration and
healing. Here’s how and why.
times when women come together, the first thing we do is scan other women.
Though we may be cordial and actively engaged in conversation, we’re making
sure to stay on the same tempo as everyone else. We try our best to maintain
the upkeep of a well put together woman. Because that’s what all the other
women around us are, so we think anyway. We maintain this image, as if we are
the only ones hiding horrible secrets or embarrassing pasts. But it’s when a
willing woman comes forth and starts to share her truth that we have the
opportunity to share in it with her with “me too.”
remember a time when I was among a group of women and we all took turns sharing
our stories. We had to go deep. I remember my heart raced a thousand miles a
second. My hands became clammy blocks of ice and my throat started to tighten.
It was my turn. I knew I had been forgiven of my past but I still found myself
ashamed to talk about it. So at first, I only talked about the stuff that wasn’t
as harsh…how I lived in a dysfunctional environment, was verbally, mentally,
emotionally, and physically abused. Though that was a relief to get out, that
wasn’t all. I felt God pressing me to go deeper. Because what was deep was what
was keeping me hostage and preventing any kind of healing from happening.
a few minutes, I said that I had something else to say. Slowly, I started
talking about how I had developed a sexual addiction at a very young age and it
carried over into my adult years and how I was a cheater/adulterer. I could
barely get the words out through deep heaves of sobs and snot was running
everywhere. My head was pounding from the pressure of my heart pumping blood
through my body. And I heard a “me too.”
It was that response that allowed me to breathe and fully receive God’s healing
and restoration. The woman who responded, she was healed and restored also!
beautiful sister, please understand this. We all have skeletons in our closets.
Some, God presses us to release, others go to the grave with us. The ones He
presses us to release are the ones that are useful for another woman’s
restoration process. Proverbs 31:8-9 says “Speak
up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being
crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless and see that they get justice.”
Some women are completely crippled from their pasts and are so bound down that
they can’t even begin to bring themselves to confessing. That’s where we come
in, especially when we feel the pressing of the Holy Spirit to share something
from our own life. Revelation 12:11 says that we defeat the enemy by the blood
of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. It’s in the power of transparency
that we give women the power in “me too.” When we choose to reveal our hurts,
though we may not know the impact of our decision, we set the stage for other
women to gain the courage and say “me too.”
sisters, God loves us so much. He wants nothing more than for us to be made
whole and healed. My hope and prayer is that you can come to a place that you
are courageous enough to act on the pressing and give someone else the gift
of “me too.”Blessings!!
I distinctively
remember being in the 7th grade and being terribly awkward. I had
just gotten braces, I was skinny (well, had an athletic physique, lol) and a “Jheri
curl” yes y’all, ya girl had a Jheri curl! Amongst all of this, it certainly
didn’t help that I was very poor. All of my clothing came from either a
second-hand store, Family Dollar, or hand me downs from local churches or
community organizations. I was picked on and taunted almost every day. But it
was one day in particular, that put a final stamp on the way I saw myself.
It was in
science class. The first thing I remember is how brutally cold it was! My
goodness, my teacher kept the thermostat on “the Arctic!” We sat in desks
grouped in four. Across from me was one of the most popular girls in school.
She sat, laughing and popping her gum (that she wasn’t supposed to have) as the
teacher gave instructions for an assignment we were to do. Though we were
grouped, we had to work individually (how did the teacher expect us to do that
sitting right next to each other?!) So as I was working, I heard a “psst”
sound. I looked up, it was the popular girl. She asked if I could help her out
(cheat) with her assignment. Reluctant at first, I had a quick conversation in
my mind.“Oh
my goodness, she’s talking to me! She’s asking ME to help her with her work! I
can’t just tell her no. Maybe this is an opportunity for us to become friends.”So I decided to slip her a sheet of paper with my
answers on it. Being the nerd that I was, I knew the answers were correct and
smiled as I handed her the paper. She said thanks and that I was “da bomb”
(team 90’s). Of course, I was on cloud nine by then. The very next day, my
cloud was shot right from up under me.
As I walked
down the walkway to get to class, I saw the girl and a group of her friends
standing around talking and laughing. As I approached, I smiled and was getting
ready to stop and speak to her. Before I could, she shifted her weight to one leg,
sucked her teeth, and with a look of disgust on her face said, “Um, Lucrecia,
didn’t you just wear that outfit on Monday? Today is Wednesday! Don’t you have
other clothes to wear? What, you poor?”Laughter
erupted from her and her friends. Just like that. My face burned with
humiliation as I sped past them and into the bathroom. I cried so hard,
eventually lying to the teacher to allow me to go to the office and call my mom
to come get me because I was “sick.” That day totaled me.
I carried those
harsh words with me for a very long time. Every time I saw a girl who had it
all, or at least seemed to, I wouldn’t approach her but always wonder, “What is it that
she has that I don’t?” “Why can’t I get that kind of attention?” Why don’t boys
flock around me like that?”I had
learned to measure my worth by the standards and opinions of other people. Because
I already had the seeds planted in me that I was ugly and stupid (from my
mother), the rejection I encountered at school only watered those seeds. The
only way I knew to gain any acceptance was to sleep around with boys.
After I lost my
virginity at the age of 15, my life started spiraling down. Not only was I
keeping a dark secret from my mother, but I was learning how to live a double
life. I had settled in my mind that “she” (the popular girls) wouldn’t be the
only ones calling shots. And I did just that, so I thought.
Truth is, I
deeply wounded my heart and soul with all of that “shot calling.” My mind was
warped because of what I had been told growing up and by the opinions and
treatment of others. This all became my normal, my truth. I grew into a broken
woman trying to live a well put together life. I had a baby out of wedlock,
called myself marrying her father, broke my marriage vows multiple times,
submitted myself to more verbal and mental abuse, a nasty divorce, and the list
went on.
Up until about
6 years ago, my life was a train wreck. I had no idea how to even think about
climbing out of that deep hole. But what I didn’t know was God was walking
alongside me the entire time. Because He already knew everything that would
take place in my life, nothing that happened came as a surprise to Him. Through
divine strategy, He orchestrated my steps back to Him. Through the love and
compassion of His word and even correction, He showed me that the measure with
which I used to evaluate and validate my worth was harshly distorted.
Now as an
adult, healed and restored by God, what I got from that experience was the girl
who bullied me throughout middle and high school, she wasn’t the only one. She’s
NOT the Only One! There is Only One
who truly validates my worth and that’s God! He created me to be His
masterpiece, His exquisite work of art (Ephesians
2:10). It is through His restoration that I learned to love myself and
all of my intricate parts and quirks because this is who and how He made me to
be (Psalm 139). I had to learn to transform
the way I thought about myself and the reason for my existence here on earth (Romans 12:2). I had to learn to love me first.
Dear precious
woman…please understand that you are not validated by the opinions, criticisms,
rejections, and judgments of others. Our standard of measuring and comparing is
to be that from God, not other people (2 Corinthians 10:12). Because the truth
is, we are ALL flawed, even when
some try hard to conceal it with superficial elements. If you haven’t already,
make up your mind today that you will search for your value and worth in the
words of God. It’s not an overnight process, however, it’s not impossible
either. For what it’s worth, you are #BeYOUtiful! Blessings!
One of my favorite movies is
National Treasure. I promise I can watch that movie over and over and never
grow tired of it. I’ve always been a fan of world history and hidden
discoveries and treasures. I get so captivated in how something that looks so
ordinary or even rundown on the outside can hold some of the most beautiful
treasures ever known.
now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile
clay jars containing this great treasure. ---2 Corinthians 4:7
As I did my morning devotion,
I came across a scripture that captured the same thing. And it made me think of
something, well something else besides the fact that National Treasure is one
of my all-time favorite movies. But it made me think back to when I was a
little girl. I used to create fantasy worlds all the time in my backyard, in my
tree, or wherever I felt at the time. I used to go on “treasure hunts” trying
to discover something new. I did this to escape the terrible realities of my
own world. But the one thing I didn’t realize, at the time and even through a
great deal of my adulthood, was that I had a hidden treasure within me! Those
treasures came in an unattractive form though…abuse, neglect, rejection, and a
host of other things. I know what you’re thinking, how in the world could something
like abuse possibly be a treasure? I know, I thought the same thing!
#CoffeeMomentofTruth: Diamonds aren’t beautiful upon discovery,
but instead rather unattractive to the eye. They are covered in layers of dirt
and mineral debris. If one doesn’t know any better, it could easily be passed
up and chalked up as just another hunk of earth.
As I grew older and gave my
life to Christ, He showed me how He can take even the ugliest of things and
make them into something not only beautiful but useful. My sister, please
listen, what you possess inside of you is far greater than anything you and I
could ever senselessly pursue. I know every story looks different and it
carries a different level of pain with it, but trust me when I tell you that
God has use for it ALL. He does not waste anything…let me say that again, He
does NOT waste anything. What
looks tore up and raggedy to us is of the highest value to God. Why? Because
when He takes that broken, used up, and abused woman and transform her into
something amazingly beautiful, not only does He get the glory, but this
transformation shows another broken woman that her life and all its troubles
are worth it.
I don’t say this because it
sounds good. I say it because I WASthat broken woman. And I
carried many shattered pieces around with me until God allowed another restored
jar of clay to enter into my life and share her testimony with me. Ladies, God
says that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the words of our testimony
(Revelation 12:11). So that means that terrible divorce you went through, He
can use it. That abuse you encountered, He has use for that too. That sex addiction,
drug addiction, self-abuse, whatever it was that you and I try to hide so
intensely, please understand that our Father, God, has use for it.
It’s through our willingness
to be transparent that allows us to be made whole AND
becomes the catalyst to another sister’s healing. I want to end with this, our
lives and experiences are not just for us. They are beautifully connected to
the needs of other women. When we make the decision to share in our sister’s
pain with the testimony of our own, though we are fragile jars of clay, God
will allow His light to penetrate with the fullest of force. Be blessed and
encouraged today beautiful women!
It's funny to hear (see) myself say that word. Funny because I never got the opportunity to call you or any man that in my life that. There are so many things I use to ask myself. What did I do? Why doesn't he want to be in my life? Does he love me? Does he care for me? I felt abandoned. Rejected. Neglected. Unloved. I carried those painful bags with me throughout my life. I grew up into a messy woman, even had the nerve to have kids of my own...two daughters.
As they grew, I looked at their relationship with their father. I smiled and my heart warmed. Because I got to and get to experience through them, just a little bit, of what it must feel like to have strong arms wrap you close and protect you. The extinction of fear at the onset of his presence. The overwhelming excitement of seeing him walk through the door. The delightful smile across his face when he sees you. The blessings of the life-giving words he plants into your spirit. The foundation he builds up strong for you, showing you how a man is to treat a woman, how a father is to set aside his wants and desires because it's not about him anymore. I get to experience that through my girls. Their father dances with them, plays with them, encourages, esteems, and affirms them. He shows them what selfless love looks like.
You know, dad, I never hated you. But I did grow numb towards you. I know the missing imprint of your impression in my life, greatly affected it. I wandered aimlessly from man to man searching for that protection and covering that I desperately needed. I got hurt. Sometimes really bad. My heart was broken. But you know what? I can't and won't fault you. Don't get me wrong...it took many years for me to get to where I can say those words.
Once I sought a beautiful relationship with my Heavenly Father, He began filling those holes. He loved me seflessly and unconditionally. He wrapped me in His arms. Not only did He fill your place, but He showed me something spectacular. He showed me that what a person doesn't have they can't give. He showed me that though you could've made efforts to be present in my life, you were a broken man. You wandered and lived how you knew to. God guided me through the process of forgiving you. Because I am a grown woman now, with daughters of my own. He was showing me that in order to move forward in Him and be effective for my girls, I would have to hand this painful burden over to Him. And I did.
I started praying for you. I prayed for your soul, your heart, your life. I prayed that even if I never got the chance to establish a relationship with you, that you would establish one with God. I was even "bold or crazy" enough to pray that God would open the door for us to connect. Several months later, my Father honored my request by putting me on your heart. You called me. I heard your voice in the other end of my phone. I'll admit it was terribly awkward talking to you, but it warmed me also.
I have so much more to say but I won't draw this out further...but please understand this...I don't hold nothing against you. I have given all of those painful stingers to God. He caught every hot year I cried concerning you. Though you and I may not develop the relationship I needed in my childhood, I am willing to develop one with you now. You have two beautiful granddaughters who has never seen your face. I am willing to move forward with you because of them. I pray God blesses you...Happy Father's Day. ----Your daughter, Lucrecia
Men: Your very presence in your child's life has a GREAT impact on the trajectory of the rest of their lives. It's not about nor should it be about the woman taking on the role of two people. She can't and never will be able to fit those shoes. There are specific seeds that God placed inside of you that ONLY you can deposit into your sons and daughters. You are their covering. Their protector. Their teacher. For the girls, their first example of what a good man looks like and how he is to treat her. For the boys, their first example of what a good man looks like and how he is to treat a woman. Father's day isn't to be celebrated just today but everyday. Don't just check in on your child when it's suitable for you...but choose not to ever check out! To all fathers, biological or not, we esteem and applaud you today. May this be a day that impresses on your heart the vital importance of your presence in your child's life. Happy Father's Day!!