Monday, June 13, 2016

A Woman's Worth...In the eyes of God

What does worth mean to you? What are you worth to you? Do you know? Have you ever even stopped to entertain that question? I mean, sure we have comments and opinions when we see other women subject themselves to sub par treatment of men. Or we turn our faces up in disgust when we see or read about women doing things and just acting all kinds of way for the sake of attention. But let’s turn the attention to ourselves. Mind if we step into the spotlight for a bit?

Here’s the thing, many women, myself included, actually hesitate and cringe a little when we ponder on the thoughts of our own worth. We can talk a good game and put on a good show, giving the “impression” that we’re worth everything and that we are a queen and should be treated as such. But are we really that queen? Are we really what we project ourselves to be? 

Because you see, no one hears and know those haunting thoughts in our minds, those inward conversations we have with ourselves that goes something like this, “Who would ever want me? I’ve been used up by everybody.” Or “Please don’t let this be the case again…where he just gets up and leave.” Or “I’m worthless. I mean look at me…I’m thirty something and still single!” Or “Who could ever want me, single with kids?” Or “If they ever found out all my mess, no one would ever want me.” And it doesn’t stop there. That thinking usually shows up in what we attract and the way we allow ourselves to be treated. Degradation. Disrespect. Ill treatment.  Sound familiar? I’m sure we can all relate to something.

Our thoughts of ourselves are the most powerful above anybody else’s. How we see ourselves and how we think of ourselves gives off vibes. We tend to attract what we give off. I will use myself as an example (the best example). 

On the outside, I walked with my head held high and was “seemingly” well put together. On the inside though, I was barely able to crawl. I projected something that was so far from the truth. Especially around men, I gave off an impression that I knew what I was worth and Miss Independent.  

But here’s the catch, I always wondered why I attracted a certain type of man (pause! the law of attraction is true y’all. You attract what you give off. A good hunter always recognizes a weak prey, remember that). The kind who didn’t mind tipping out on his wife. The kind who just wanted a night of fun and then be off. The kind who would wine and dine only for the sole objective of getting what they wanted. I truly thought I was running the show. Oh how I lied to myself. Over and over again. I lived this lie for years. I handed my heart to whomever paid attention to me. But even after a while, that wasn’t enough. I desperately pursued men to validate my worth.  

The truth is I had no clue what I was worth. As a human. As a woman. And especially as a daughter of God.  It was years before I allowed God to heal me and restore my thinking and the way I saw myself, through His perspective and not mine.

Ladies, we are treasures to God! But in order to know that, we must confront the lies we’ve either told ourselves or the ones we’ve accepted from others. Our worth is NOT wrapped up in a relationship with a man. It is NOT displayed in how well we dress. Or how much make-up we wear. A home. Nice car. Great job. I can go on but I think you get my drift. Not even being married and having children validate our worth. Our worth is in who God is. Our worth comes from not conforming to the standards of this world, but renewing our minds and learning who God created us to be (Romans 12:2). A woman’s worth in the eyes of God comes not only by entering into a relationship with Christ, but allowing His words to saturate our brokenness. We are God’s masterpiece, His workmanship (Ephesians 2:10).

I won’t lie, it takes a great deal of cooperation with the Holy Spirit and ourselves to transform the way we see ourselves. We are invaluable. We are worth so much that God was willing to sacrifice His only begotten Son for our sake (John 3:16).

I want to encourage you today to begin to look with different lenses at how and what you measure your worth. Search the heart of God for the answers. Begin to develop healthy habits and conversations with yourself about how you view yourself. Learn who you are. Determine today that your worth is not worth compromising, at any cost! Blessings! J

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