You know,
it's one thing when we allow the weight of a grudge, bitterness, unforgiveness,
or resentment hold us down. But it becomes a whole different issue when we allow those
negative roots to seep into the lives of others.
Choosing to forgive and let things go is a process. A difficult one, especially if the offense is traumatic. But when we choose not to forgive, it does more damage to just us.
Think of a tree…how it's all pretty and grand on top of the ground. As you begin to dig beneath the surface, you discover that tree's roots. Depending on the tree, those roots can be as thick as the trunk on top. They (roots) can run deep that it stifles the growth of other plants around it. It sucks up all the nutrients necessary for life around it. But yet and still, that tree stands firm, looking good, and not giving two thoughts about the damage it's causing to what's around it.
That's the same way we are when we give little to no thought about the damage we do to others around us when we harbor unforgiveness. We say wrong things to people...even the ones we love. We shoot deadly rounds out of our mouths, killing everyone we come in contact with. What's even worse is they never know what warranted the mistreatment. When all along, it's something nasty and dark brewing on the inside of us. Sucking our life, happiness, and peace away.
Some things I understand will take time. Forgiveness is not an overnight fix. But we have to make every effort to heal and allow forgiveness to take place. "Well, you don't know what I've been through!" You might say. True indeed. Neither do you know what I've been through. However, I know the power of forgiveness. I know that I have two choices. One, stay bitter and slowly kill myself while the one who brought the offense lives life to the fullest. Or, I can choose to free myself from being my own prisoner by forgiving and receiving healing. I’ll be transparent and say some things I’m not all the way there yet. But with other things, I have been freed indeed.
None of us have all of the answers to why things happen to us the way they do. But I know what the bible says and it says that we should forgive as our Father has forgiven us our sins. We're not walking around here on entitled time...but rather borrowed! We can be here one minute and gone the next. Don't let the time that we have at this moment be wasted on seeing how long we can hold a grudge towards somebody.
Ephesians 4:31 (NCV) Do not be bitter or angry or mad. Never shout angrily or say things to hurt others. Never do anything evil. Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ.
Hebrews 12:15(NLT) Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many.
Choosing to forgive and let things go is a process. A difficult one, especially if the offense is traumatic. But when we choose not to forgive, it does more damage to just us.
Think of a tree…how it's all pretty and grand on top of the ground. As you begin to dig beneath the surface, you discover that tree's roots. Depending on the tree, those roots can be as thick as the trunk on top. They (roots) can run deep that it stifles the growth of other plants around it. It sucks up all the nutrients necessary for life around it. But yet and still, that tree stands firm, looking good, and not giving two thoughts about the damage it's causing to what's around it.
That's the same way we are when we give little to no thought about the damage we do to others around us when we harbor unforgiveness. We say wrong things to people...even the ones we love. We shoot deadly rounds out of our mouths, killing everyone we come in contact with. What's even worse is they never know what warranted the mistreatment. When all along, it's something nasty and dark brewing on the inside of us. Sucking our life, happiness, and peace away.
Some things I understand will take time. Forgiveness is not an overnight fix. But we have to make every effort to heal and allow forgiveness to take place. "Well, you don't know what I've been through!" You might say. True indeed. Neither do you know what I've been through. However, I know the power of forgiveness. I know that I have two choices. One, stay bitter and slowly kill myself while the one who brought the offense lives life to the fullest. Or, I can choose to free myself from being my own prisoner by forgiving and receiving healing. I’ll be transparent and say some things I’m not all the way there yet. But with other things, I have been freed indeed.
None of us have all of the answers to why things happen to us the way they do. But I know what the bible says and it says that we should forgive as our Father has forgiven us our sins. We're not walking around here on entitled time...but rather borrowed! We can be here one minute and gone the next. Don't let the time that we have at this moment be wasted on seeing how long we can hold a grudge towards somebody.
Ephesians 4:31 (NCV) Do not be bitter or angry or mad. Never shout angrily or say things to hurt others. Never do anything evil. Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ.
Hebrews 12:15(NLT) Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many.
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