Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Stay Lit!

Not long ago, I watched one of Pastor Toure' Roberts messages. The title was "Stay Lit." The jist of the message was even through turbulent times we are to stay lit. We are the light of the world. God placed His divine light in us to shine through the dark chaos of the world and even our troubles. 

I must be transparent...this last week has tossed enough my way not only to knock that light out but to keep it out for good. And I won't lie, I almost let it. But a person in scripture came to my mind, Job. He probably experienced the most tragedy in such a short period of time than anyone else in and out of the bible. He was torn, devastated, and deeply wounded. Through the course of his anguish, he recited some of the most powerful words "though he slay me, yet will I trust him" (Job 13:15). Sometimes we will never understand the things we experience. But the purpose is to suit is up for the purpose God assigned to our lives.
I encourage you to allow the firey darts of life and the enemy to be fuel to aid those flames. Stay prayed up. Stay encouraged. Stay lit! 


  1. Well said!
    Lately I have been contemplating how God can turn around terrible events with amazing miracles.
    Imagine if Joseph had not been sold into slavery and then been wrongfully imprisoned - the 12 tribes of Israel would have perished.
    God is the master of surprising plot twists.
    May God Bless you and send you signs of encouragement along the way as you walk through your challenges.

    1. Suzanne,
      Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I too wonder how God can take terrible events in our lives and turn them into something beautiful. But then I remember when He says His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. He is the master at taking the broken, messed up pieces of our lives and not only transforming them into something beautiful but using them in someone else's life. I welcome your prayers and encouragement. And I too pray for you as well. Blessings!
