I remember growing up, I wanted to be like every pretty girl I saw. I thought in order to have friends and "be somebody" I had to have the long, pretty hair. Right shape. Perfect skin. The latest fashions. And the right amount of guys talking to me. But in my ignorance, I got bullied, hurt, used, let down and was plain miserable.
Some of the ways I went and decisions I made lead me deeper in mess. I'd cry my eyes out because everyone seemed to reject me. I started to hate myself. I felt like God made a couple mistakes in my creation. Like maybe if He had've made me someone else with some other looks, then I'd be okay. All that type of thinking did was worsen my misery.
It took many painful years to realize that I was meant to be different. All the quirkiness and such was exactly what His recipe called for. The experiences I encountered were necessary for the perfect blend needed to accomplish God's will.
I say all that to say this to you...Princess...to you Queen. Be and live in all the fabulousness you were made for. There is something one of a kind special in you and me. Live like you know it, love it, and own it!
#Authenticallyspoken #AuthenticallyMe #BeYOUtiful