Monday, May 30, 2016

You Are Wonderfully Created!

I remember growing up, I wanted to be like every pretty girl I saw. I thought in order to have friends and "be somebody" I had to have the long, pretty hair. Right shape. Perfect skin. The latest fashions. And the right amount of guys talking to me. But in my ignorance, I got bullied, hurt, used, let down and was plain miserable.

Some of the ways I went and decisions I made lead me deeper in mess. I'd cry my eyes out because everyone seemed to reject me. I started to hate myself. I felt like God made a couple mistakes in my creation. Like maybe if He had've made me someone else with some other looks, then I'd be okay. All that type of thinking did was worsen my misery.

It took many painful years to realize that I was meant to be different. All the quirkiness and such was exactly what His recipe called for. The experiences I encountered were necessary for the perfect blend needed to accomplish God's will.

I say all that to say this to you Queen. Be and live in all the fabulousness you were made for. There is something one of a kind special in you and me. Live like you know it, love it, and own it!

#Authenticallyspoken #AuthenticallyMe #BeYOUtiful

It's More Than You Think

Photo Credit: Jennie Allen
Many of us (myself included) have slapped on or do slap on the title "Christian" without fully understanding the true depths of the meaning. We clothe ourselves just right, get the "Churchanese" down just right, cry and shout on queue, and present ourselves as just the most arrived saint there is. However, on the inside we are filthy and rotting. We've learned how to live in pretense...totally disregarding the command of God, "Be ye holy, for I am holy" (1 Peter 1:16). We ostracize, criticize, and turn our noses up at those who don't look like us. The very ones Jesus commanded we go out after and reach are the very ones we tear to shreds.

Being holy isn't just about an outward appearance or experience. It isn't who can pray the longest, hardest, and most eloquent. It isn't who can quote the most scriptures. Being holy means we capture and live out the very essence of who God is in EVERY area of our lives both externally and internally.

Fruit just doesn't appear. It starts from the manifestation of the root deep within the earth. What comes forth is the result of that root. God called us to live separate lives unto Him. He called us to reach the lost. He called us to be authentic in the fruit of the Spirit. Living for Christ is not a show, game, or just something to throw around. Living for Christ means we have surrendered ourselves to the command of being holy.

#HolinessIsMoreThanAnAppearance #HolinessIsALifestyle #ChristFollower

Friday, May 27, 2016


The phrase "keeping it real" has kept so many people locked up in their own misery. Instead of being real, people put on masks and facades. They live in pretense for the sake of "keeping it real" (oxymoron, right). But what keeping it real should entail is that you can learn to live right now in this moment, being the authentic you God created you to be. With your unique gifts and qualities and quirks. Even with your frailties and faults. That's what makes keeping it real beautiful. #AuthenticallyMe #BeOriginal #BeYOUtiful #Authenticallyspoken ❤

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Stay Lit!

Not long ago, I watched one of Pastor Toure' Roberts messages. The title was "Stay Lit." The jist of the message was even through turbulent times we are to stay lit. We are the light of the world. God placed His divine light in us to shine through the dark chaos of the world and even our troubles. 

I must be transparent...this last week has tossed enough my way not only to knock that light out but to keep it out for good. And I won't lie, I almost let it. But a person in scripture came to my mind, Job. He probably experienced the most tragedy in such a short period of time than anyone else in and out of the bible. He was torn, devastated, and deeply wounded. Through the course of his anguish, he recited some of the most powerful words "though he slay me, yet will I trust him" (Job 13:15). Sometimes we will never understand the things we experience. But the purpose is to suit is up for the purpose God assigned to our lives.
I encourage you to allow the firey darts of life and the enemy to be fuel to aid those flames. Stay prayed up. Stay encouraged. Stay lit! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

You Matter!

Hey y’all. If I may be a little transparent this afternoon. It's taken me some time (years) grappling with the thought of sharing some of my most vulnerable points in my life. Though I can't and won't share all, I have come to learn the necessity of transparency. In some way, we are all connected through trials, struggles, even sin. When we've received healing, we have the choice to remain silent or help usher the next person into his or her healing and freedom. I've chosen the latter.

I am humbled to share an article on mental illness written by myself and my business partner, Ramon Maisonet. It is our prayer and hope that the candid truth in this article be the catalyst to someone's healing.#HaveTheConversation #MentalIllnessAwarenessMonth #YouMatter

Photo Credit: Forest Cavale via CreationSwap

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