Here's the
thing...what we display to those around us is what we essentially say about
ourselves and represent. "Your reputation proceeds you" has come to be one of my favorite quotes (quoted by my
husband) because it's loaded with volumes of truth. As Christians, it's
easy to set up an actor's stage before others. Those of you reading can
agree that we see it all of the time, even participated in it at one point.
When we get around a certain group (namely church family) we stuff ourselves
into our "holy roller" suits and wear it well. But the thing
is, is that we have it misconstrued if we think we can fool people into
thinking we represent something and we really don't. As a speaker said
yesterday in church, "we've perfected doing church but failed at representing
church." Because real church happens outside of the walls of the church home, on the job, at the gas station, in school...I think you're
getting my point.
7:21-23 Not everyone who calls out to me, 'Lord, Lord!' will enter the Kingdom
of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven
will enter.
We are what many people see outside of the walls of the
organization of the church. Some may never step within those walls...and
what they see in our lives is what they will get. So many of us perfect lip
service but fail miserably at living those words out. Yes, we all fail
because we're all naturally sinners...believers and nonbelievers alike.
However, what separates us, or what should separate us from nonbelievers
is our determined effort to live, breathe, and have our being in Jesus Christ
(Acts 17:28).
3:17 And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks through Him to God the Father.
Our lives are that billboard (representation). What we do
and how we do it displays the internal truth of our life. The truth is,
if the only reason we become Christians is to avoid hell...then...get ready for
this...we might as well stop now, because we're only wasting our time.
I'm not bashing no one because I'm in the pool of the most jacked up.
However, I've committed my life, flaws, and all that I am to the Living
God. Though I may stumble, I choose to get up and continue living
according to God's word. Because again, my life is a billboard.
Our children. Schoolmates. Family.
Acquaintances. Coworkers. Strangers. Are all exposed to the
unspoken message of what we represent. Yes we are free in Christ, but we
shouldn't allow our freedom to cause another person to stumble. Let's
make up in our minds that we will represent Christ to those around us as best
as we can! Be blessed!
Romans 14:13 So let's stop condemning
each other. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not cause
another believer to stumble and fall.
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